Friday, January 4, 2013

Spinervals 43.0 Review

I downloaded Spinervals 43.0 the other night, in preparation for today's ride. Some of my Spinervals friends have ordered the DVD, but it hasn't arrived yet, so I'll start this blog with the actual workout.

The workout is about 1:58:00, and starts with the usual 3x30 seconds, with 30 seconds rest for the warmup.

The first set is 10x2 min reps, with 30 sec rest between reps. The focus is low cadence, and keeping HR and power below LT and FTP, zone 3 for those on Spinner bikes. Coach recommends the big chain ring on the front, and the 13/15 on the back, but focusing on keeping cadence in the 70-80 rpm range. Two minute recovery after the set. Coach says he's going to have people stand, but only has you stand just once. I don't remember which rep, maybe 7 or 8.

Second set: 4x5 min, with 1 minute rest between reps. All other instructions the same. Two minute recovery. Stood twice in the 2nd rep, and once in the last rep.

Third set: 10x2 min, 30 sec rest between reps again, but this time cadence between 90-100 rpm, HR and power still below LT and FTP. Coach recommends Small/15 combo, but stresses hitting cadence range. Two minute rest. Stood two times on the 7th rep, and one time each on the 8th and 9th reps.

Fourth set: 5x4 min reps with 1 min rest between reps, all else the same as the last set. Stood twice on the fourth rep.

The workout was supposed to be 90 minutes and 25 miles. When I started the video, it showed 1:58, and I wondered if I had double-clicked the wrong one. But, Coach says within the first few minutes that it's a 90 min workout, so I thought, "Ohhh, one of *those*." Figured I'd go for the 90 minutes first, then see how I felt. At around 50 minutes in, Coach says the low cadence set should be making your quads burn, and maybe the name of the workout should be "Quads on Fire." Now, I'm thinking, "Damn it! I did start the wrong video. I must've clicked 42.0 by accident." Got off the bike to check, but no, I had the right one. Then, the first rep of the third set, I think Coach lost his focus. It was supposed to be a 2 minute rep. About 3 minutes later, I'm thinking, "Man, this seems like a long 2 minutes," when Coach says, "Two minutes to go."! Either he realizes his mistake, or someone tells him, so he ends the rep at four minutes, and counts it as the first two reps. Coach, for my extra credit, I'll take one of those shirts you're wearing, women's small, please :) ! At 1:11, I already had 19 miles done, and thought that for once, I'll hit the time and distance for the workout. The last set starts at just before 1:30 into the workout, and I had 23.5 miles at that point, so I decided to start the set and go rep by rep and see how my legs felt. I did HC100 three days ago (HC86.5 in my case), took a rest day, and ran and swam yesterday. My legs felt surprisingly good, so I kept going, and finished strong. I did Strendurance E after; the legs were starting to feel it then.

Stats for the workout: 1:58:14, 31.1 miles, avg HR-135 (pretty low, awesome!), avg power-162 (right where it should've been, awesomer!), avg rpms-80, avg mph-15.7.

My Addie cat watching me, wondering why I spend so much time on that stupid bike!

1 comment:

  1. Alicia,

    I always feel bad for the poor people in the video during filming when he's wrong about the time. And by a LOT! If you are mentally prepared for 90 minutes and you end up going a full 2 hours, ouch! He does this in 30.0 as well, announcing a 2 hour workout. Poor bastards.... ;)
